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CIS Series Marine Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

CIS Series Marine Horizontal Centrifugal Pump


CIS series marine horizontal centrifugal pumps are suitable to be fire pump, cooling pump and suitable pump etc on board a ship or a boat and transport seawater,fresh water and other incorrosive liquids.The medium temperature don't exceed 75℃.

IS series industrial horizontal centrifugal pumps can be used in industry and used as city water supply and drainage, also used in agriculture and used as irrigation farmland and orchard.

The typical example and its explanation for the pump type

For example: CIS50-32-125
CIS- marine horizontal centrifugal pump
50- entrance diameter of the pump,mm
32-discharge diameter of the pump,mm
125-nominal diameter of the impeller,mm

Marine Technical Performance Parameters Of The Pump

If voltage is 440V,frequency is 60Hz,then footnote “1” is added behind CIS, as CIS150-32-125.

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
CIS50-32-125 7.5 22 2900 2.0 29
12.5 20 2.0 1.13 2.2
15 18.5 2.5
CIS50-32-125A 6.7 17.6 2900 2.0 29
11.2 16 2.0 0.82 1.5
13.4 14.8 2.5
CIS50-32-160 7.5 34.3 2900 2.0 40
12.5 32 2.0 2.02 3
15 29.6 2.5
CIS50-32-160A 7.0 30.5 2900 2.0 40
11.8 28.5 2.0 1.70 2.2
14.0 26.3 2.5
CIS50-32-160B 6.5 25.6 2900 2.0 40
10.8 23.8 2.0 1.34 2.2
13 22 2.5
CIS50-32-200 7.5 52.5 2900 2.0 45
12.5 50 2.0 3.54 5.5
15 48 2.5
CIS50-32-200A 7.2 48.3 2900 2.0 45
12 46 2.0 3.13 4.0
14.4 44.2 2.5
CIS50-32-200B 6.5 39.1 2900 2.0 45
10.8 37.3 2.0 2.39 3.0
12.9 35.8 2.5
CIS50-32-250 7.5 82 2900 2.0 79
12.5 80 2.0 7.16 11
15 78.5 2.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
CIS50-32-250A 7.0 71.8 2900 2.0 79
11.7 70 2.0 6.03
14 68.7 2.5
CIS50-32-250B 6.5 61.2 2900 2.0 79
10.8 59.7 2.0 4.9
12.9 58.5 2.5
CIS65-32-125 15 21.5 2900 2.0 35
25 20 2.5 1.97
30 18.4 3
CIS65-32-125A 14.4 19.4 2900 2.0 35
23.8 17.6 2.5 1.71
28.8 16.5 3.0
CIS65-32-160 15 34.5 2900 2.0 42
25 32 2.0 3.4
30 29.5 2.5
CIS65-32-160A 14 30.2 2900 2.0 42
23.4 28 2.0 2.78
28 26 2.5
CIS65-32-160B 12.9 25.6 2900 2.0 42
21.7 24 2.0 2.22
25.8 22 2.5
CIS65-32-200 15 53 2900 2.0 46
25 50 2.0 5.67
30 47 2.5
CIS65-32-200A 14 46 2900 2.0 46
23.4 44 2.0 4.6
28 41 2.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS65-40-200B 12.6 37.3 2900 2.0 46
21 35.3 2.0 3.84 4.0
25.2 33.1 2.5
CIS65-40-250 15 82 2900 2.0 82
25 80 2.0 10.9 15
30 78 2.5
CIS65-40-250A 14 71.8 2900 2.0 82
23.4 70 2.0 9.1 15
28 68.3 2.5
CIS65-40-250B 12.6 57.8 2900 2.0 82
21 56 2.0 6.5 7.5
25.2 53.2 2.5
CIS65-40-315 15 127 2900 2.5 90
25 125 2.5 21.3 30
30 123 3.0
CIS65-40-315A 14.3 116 2900 2.5 90
23.9 114 2.5 18.6 22
28.6 112 3.0
CIS65-40-315B 13.6 104.5 2900 2.5 90
22.7 103 2.5 16.3 18.5
27.2 101 3.0
CIS65-40-315C 12.8 91.5 2900 2.5 90
21.4 90 2.5 13.8 15
25.6 88.5 3.0
CIS80-65-125 30 22.5 2900 3.0 44
50 20 3.0 3.63 5.5
60 18 3.5
CIS80-65-125A 28 17.5 2900 3.0 44
46.7 16.6 3.0 2.96 4
56 13.6 3.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Headm Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS80-65-160 30 36 2900 2.5 43
50 32 2.5 5.97 7.5
60 29 3.0
CIS80-65-160A 28 31 2900 2.5 43
46.8 28 2.5 4.9 5.5
56 25 3.0
CIS80-65-160B 25.2 25.4 2900 2.5 43
42 22.5 2.5 3.5 4
50.4 20 3.0
CIS80-50-200 30 53 2900 2.5 46
50 50 2.5 9.87 15
60 47 3.0
CIS80-50-200A 28 46 2900 2.5 46
46.8 44 2.5 8.25 11
56 41 3.0
CIS80-50-200B 26 39.5 2900 2.5 46
43.3 38 2.5 6.6 7.5
52 35 3.0
CIS80-50-250 30 84 2900 2.5 84
50 80 2.5 17.3 22
60 75 3.0
CIS80-50-250A 28 73.5 2900 2.5 84
46.8 70 2.5 14.6 18.5
56 65.5 3.0
CIS80-50-250B 26 63 2900 2.5 84
43.3 60 2.5 11.8 15
52 56 3.0
CIS80-50-315 30 128 2900 2.5 109
50 125 2.5 31.5 37
60 123 3.0

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS80-50-315A 28.6 116 2900 2.5 109
47.7 114 2.5 28 37
57.2 112 3.0
CIS80-50-315B 27.2 105 2900 2.5 109
45.4 103 2.5 24.5 30
54.4 101 3.0
CIS80-50-315C 25.2 90.6 2900 2.5 109
42 88.5 2.5 19.7 22
50.4 87.1 3.0
CIS100-80-125 60 24 2900 4 45
100 20 4.5 7 11
120 16.5 5
CIS100-80-125A 56 20.4 2900 4 45
93.5 17 4.5 5.73 7.5
112 14 5
CIS100-80-160 60 36 2900 3.5 63
100 32 4 11.2 15
120 28 5
CIS100-80-160A 56 31.5 2900 3.5 63
93.5 28 4 9.27 11
112 24.5 5
CIS100-80-160B 49.4 24.4 2900 3.5 63
82.4 21.7 4 6.4 7.5
98.8 19 5
CIS100-65-200 60 54 2900 3 65
100 50 3.6 17.9 22
120 47 4.8
CIS100-65-200A 56 47.5 2900 3 65
93.5 44 3.6 14.8 18.5
112 41.3 4.8

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS100-65-200B 52 41 2900 3 65
86.6 38 3.6 12 15
104 33.5 4.8
CIS100-65-250 60 87 2900 3.5 91
100 80 3.8 30.3 37
120 74.5 4.8
CIS100-65-250A 56 76 2900 3.5 91
935 70 3.8 24.8 30
112 65 4.8
CIS100-65-250B 51.2 63.2 2900 3.5 91
85.3 58.2 3.8 18.8 22
102.4 54.1 4.8
CIS100-65-315 60 133 2900 3 120
100 125 3.6 51.6 75
120 118 4.2
CIS100-65-315A 57.3 121 2900 3 120
95.5 114 3.6 45 55
114.6 107 4.2
CIS100-65-315B 54.5 109 2900 3 120
90.8 103 3.6 39.3 45
109 97 4.2
CIS100-65-315C 51.5 97 2900 3 120
85.5 92 3.6 33.5 37
103 96.8 4.2
CIS125-100-200 120 57.5 2900 4.5 95
200 50 4.5 33.6 45
240 44.5 5
CIS125-100-200A 112 50.6 2900 4.5 95
187 44 4.5 27.7 37
224 38.9 5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS125-100-200B 99 39.1 2900 4.5 95
165 34 4.5 19 22
198 30.2 5
CIS125-100-250 120 87 2900 3.8 129
200 80 4.2 55.9 75
240 72 5
CIS125-100-250A 112 76 2900 3.8 129
187 70 4.2 45.8 55
224 62.5 5
CIS125-100-250B 104 65 2900 3.8 129
173 60 4.2 36.8 45
208 53.5 5
CIS125-100-250C 96 53 2900 3.8 129
160 49 4.2 29 37
192 44 5
CIS125-100-315 120 132.5 2900 4 145
200 125 4.5 90.8 110
240 120 5
CIS125-100-315A 114.6 120 2900 4 145
191 114 4.5 79.1 110
229.2 109 5
CIS125-100-315B 109 109 2900 4 145
181.6 103 4.5 68.9 90
218 98.5 5
CIS125-100-315C 103 97.5 2900 4 145
171.6 92 4.5 58.9 75
206 88 5
CIS125-32-125 3.75 5.4 1450 2 29
6.3 5 2 0.16 0.55
7.5 4.6 2.5
CIS125-32-160 3.75 8.5 1450 2 40
6.3 8 2 0.28 0.55
7.5 7.4 2.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS50-32-200 3.75 13.1 1450 2 45
6.3 12.5 2 0.51 0.75
7.5 12 2.5
CIS50-32-200A 3.6 12 1450 2 45
6 11.5 2 0.46 0.55
7.2 11 2.5
CIS50-32-250 3.75 20.5 1450 2 79
6.3 20 2 1.07 1.5
7.5 19.5 3
CIS50-32-250A 3.5 17.9 1450 2 79
5.9 17.5 2 0.93 1.1
7.0 17.0 3
CIS65-50-125 7.5 5.4 1450 2 35
12.5 5 2 0.27 0.55
15 4.6 2.5
CIS65-50-160 7.5 8.8 1450 2 42
12.5 8 2 0.45 0.75
15 7.2 2.5
CIS65-50-160A 7.0 7.6 1450 2 42
11.7 7 2 0.37 0.55
14 6.3 2.5
CIS65-40-200 7.5 13.2 1450 2 46
12.5 12.5 2 0.77 1.1
15 11.8 2.5
CIS65-40-200A 7.0 11.5 1450 2 46
11.7 11 2 0.64 0.75
14 10.3 2.5
CIS65-40-250 7.5 21 1450 2 82
12.5 20 2 1.42 2.2
15 19.4 2.5
CIS65-40-250A 7.0 18.3 1450 2 82
11.7 17.5 2 1.24 1.5
14 16.9 2.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS65-40-315 7.5 32.3 1450 2.5 90
12.5 32 2.5 2.94 4
15 31.7 3.0
CIS65-40-315A 7.1 28.8 1450 2.5 90
11.9 28.5 2.5 2.5 3.0
14.2 28.2 3.0
CIS65-40-315B 6.5 24.4 1450 2.5 90
10.8 24.0 2.5 1.96 2.2
13.0 23.8 3.0
CIS80-65-125 15 5.6 1450 2.5 44
25 5.0 2.5 0.48 0.75
30 4.5 3.0
CIS80-65-125A 14 4.8 1450 2.5 44
23.4 4.3 2.5 0.39 0.55
28 3.9 3.0
CIS80-65-160 15 9.0 1450 2.5 43
25 8.0 2.5 0.79 1.5
30 7.2 3.0
CIS80-65-160A 14 7.8 1450 2.5 43
23.4 7.0 2.5 0.65 1.1
28 6.3 3.0
CIS80-50-200 15 13.2 1450 2.5 46
25 12.5 2.5 1.31 2.2
30 11.8 3.0
CIS80-50-200A 14 11.5 1450 2.5 46
23.4 11.0 2.5 1.1 1.5
28 10.3 3.0
CIS80-50-250 15 21 1450 2.5 84
25 20 2.5 2.3 3
30 18.8 3.0
CIS80-50-250A 14 18.3 1450 2.5 84
23.4 17.5 2.5 1.86 2.2
28 16.4 3.0

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS80-50-315 15 32.5 1450 2.5 109
25 32 2.5 4.19 5.5
30 31.5 3.0
CIS80-50-315A 14.3 29 1450 2.5 109
23.8 28.5 2.5 3.72 5.5
28.6 28 3.0
CIS80-50-315B 13.6 26.2 1450 2.5 109
22.7 25.8 2.5 3.13 4
27.2 25.3 3.0
CIS100-80-125 30 6 1450 2.5 45
50 5 2.5 0.91 1.5
60 4 3.0
CIS100-80-125A 28 4.8 1450 2.5 45
46.8 4 2.5 0.74 1.1
56 3.2 3.0
CIS100-80-160 30 9.2 1450 2.5 63
50 8 2.5 1.45 2.2
60 6.8 3.5
CIS100-80-160A 28 8 1450 2.0 63
46.8 7 2.5 1.21 1.5
56 6 2.5
CIS100-65-200 30 13.5 1450 2.0 65
50 12.5 2.0 2.33 4
60 11.8 2.5
CIS100-65-200A 28 11.8 1450 2.0 65
46.8 11 2.0 1.92 3
56 10.3 2.5
CIS100-65-250 30 21.3 1450 2.0 91
50 20 2.0 4 5.5
60 19 2.5
CIS100-65-250A 28 19 1450 2.0 91
46.8 17.5 2.0 3.28 4
56 16 2.5

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS100-65-315 30 34 1450 2.0 120
50 32 2.0 6.92 11
60 30 2.5
CIS100-65-315A 28.6 30.8 1450 2.0 120
47.7 28.5 2.0 6 7.5
57.2 23.6 2.5
CIS100-65-315B 27.2 27.4 1450 2.0 120
45.4 25.8 2.0 5.3 7.5
57.2 24.1 2.5
CIS100-65-315C 25.7 24.9 1450 2.0 120
42.9 23.5 2.0 4.5 5.5
51.4 22.0 2.5
CIS125-100-200 60 14.5 1450 2.5 95
100 12.5 2.5 4.5 7.5
120 11.0 3.0
CIS125-100-200A 56 12.5 1450 2.5 95
93.5 11 2.5 3.7 5.5
112 9.5 3.0
CIS125-100-250 60 21.5 1450 2.5 129
100 20 2.5 7.17 11
120 18.5 3.0
CIS125-100-250A 56 18.7 1450 2.5 129
93.5 17.5 2.5 5.87 7.5
112 16.1 3.0
CIS125-100-250B 52 16 1450 2.5 129
86.5 15 2.5 4.86 5.5
104 13.8 3.0
CIS125-100-315 60 33.5 1450 2.5 145
100 32 2.5 11.9 15
120 30.5 3.0
CIS125-100-315A 57.3 29.8 1450 2.5 145
95.5 28.5 2.5 10.33 15
114.6 27.1 3.0

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight Kg
CIS125-100-315B 54.5 27.6 1450 2.5 145
90.8 26.4 2.5 9.08 11
109 25.1 3.0
CIS125-100-315C 51.5 24.0 1450 2.5 145
85.8 23.5 2.5 7.8 11
103 22.3 3.0
CIS125-100-400 60 52 1450 2.5 201
100 50 2.5 21 30
120 48.5 3.0
CIS125-100-400A 56.2 45.5 1450 2.5 201
93.6 44 2.5 17.5 22
112.3 42.3 3.0
CIS125-100-400B 52.8 39.9 1450 2.5 201
88 38.4 2.5 14.6 18.5
105.6 37.2 3.0
CIS125-100-400C 49.2 34.3 1450 2.5 201
82 33 2.5 12 15
98.4 32 3.0
CIS150-125-200 120 14 1450 3.4 118
200 12.5 3.8 8.4 11
240 11 4.1
CIS150-125-200A 104 10.4 1450 3.4 118
173 9.5 3.8 5.6 7.5
208 8.2 4.1
CIS150-125-250 120 22.5 1450 3.0 140
200 20 3.0 13.5 18.5
240 17.5 3.5
CIS150-125-250A 112.2 19 1450 3.0 140
187 17 3.0 11.3 15
224.4 14.8 3.5
CIS150-125-250B 104 16.8 1450 3.0 140
173 15 3.0 9.4 11
208 13 3.5
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