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CLLa Series Marine Vertical Centrifugal Pump

CLLa Series Marine Vertical Centrifugal Pump


CLLa series marine vertical centrifugal oumos can be used as marine ballast pump, CLLa series manne vertical centrifugal pumps ca bilge pump, fire pump, cooling pump and transport seawater,fresh water and other incorrosive liauids.The liauird temderature don't exceed 75℃.

If there is more silt and sand in the transported liquird.Then the liquid can be separated with the cyclone separator, separated clean liquid will be transported into the sealing chamber of the pump and sewage will enter the suction chamber of the pump.

If customers want to the pump in which the cyclone separator has been installed. The requirement must be noted in the explantion in the contract.

The typical example and its explanation for the pump type

For example : 125CLLal1-13A
125-entrance diameter of the pump,mm.
CLLa- marine vertical centrifugal pump
1-footnote.it expresses that the frequence of the driving motor of the pump is 60Hz.
13-approximate value of pump's specific speed devided by ten
A-a mark it expresses that the impeller van has been cut.

Main technical performance parameters of the pump

When the frequency of the driving motor is 50HZ,the main technical performancy parameters are showed in table l.And When the frequency of the driving motor is 60Hz,the main techriical performancy parameters are showed in table 2.

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
50CLLa-6 12.5 20 2900 2.8 1.2 1.5
50CLLa-6A 10 17 2900 2.8 0.83 1.1
50CLLa-4 12.5 32 2900 2.8 2 3 157
50CLLa-4A 10 28 2900 2.8 1.45 2.2 148
50CLLa-3 12.5 50 2900 2.8 3.6 5.5
50CLLa-3A 10 45 2900 2.8 2.7 4
65CLLa-5 25 20 1450 2.8 2 3
65CLLa-5A 23 17 1450 2.8 1.6 2.2
65CLLa-6 25 32 2900 2.8 3.4 5.5 250
65CLLa-6A 23 28 2900 2.8 2.7 4 230
65CLLa-4 25 50 2900 2.8 6.1 11
65CLLa-4A 23 45 2900 2.8 5.2 7.5
65CLLa-3 25 80 2900 4 10.9 15 361
65CLLa-3A 21 70 2900 4 8 11 353
80CLLa-9 50 32 2900 3 6.25 7.5 255
80CLLa-9A 46 28 2900 3 5.2 7.5 255
80CLLa-6 50 50 2900 3 9.9 15 330
80CLLa-6A 45 42 2900 3 7.5 11 322
80CLLa-4 50 80 2900 4.2 18.8 22 440

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
80CLLa-4A 45 70 2900 4.2 14.8 18.5 427
100CLLa-12 100 32 2900 4 11.6 15 320
100CLLa-12A 90 28 2900 4 9.2 11 312
100CLLa-9 100 50 2900 4 19.6 22
100CLLa-9A 90 45 2900 4 16.2 18.5
100CLLa-9B 83 35 2900 4 10.7 15
100CLLa-6 100 80 2900 4 31 37
100CLLa-6A 90 75 2900 4 27 30
100CLLa-6 50 20 1450 2.8 3.9 5.5
100CLLa-6A 45 17 1450 2.8 3.1 4
125CLLa-8.5 100 20 1450 3.2 7.3 11 396
125CLLa-8.5A 90 16 1450 3.2 5.3 7.5 355
125CLLa-17 160 32 2900 5.7 18 22 400
125CLLa-17A 150 28 2900 5.7 15 18.5 387
125CLLa-8 160 80 2900 5.5 46 55
125CLLa-8A 150 70 2900 5.5 38 45
125CLLa-8B 140 60 2900 5.5 31 37
125CLLa-13 200 50 2900 6 34 45 610
125CLLa-13A 180 45 2900 6 28 37 600
125CLLa-13B 150 41 2900 6 22 30 600
150CLLa-12 160 20 1450 2.8 10.9 15 470
150CLLa-12A 150 17 1450 2.8 8.8 11 450
150CLLa-6 160 50 1450 4.5 30.7 37
150CLLa-6A 150 45 1450 4.5 26 30
150CLLa-13 200 20 1450 3 13.3 18.5 485
150CLLa-13A 190 17 1450 3 11.3 15 400
150CLLa-9 200 32 1450 3.5 23 30
150CLLa-9A 190 28 1450 3.5 19 22
200CLLa-16 300 20 1450 4 20.5 30 644
200CLLa-16A 280 18 1450 4 17.4 22 604

Continued table

Type voltage 380V Frequency 50Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
200CLLa-11 300 30 1450 4 30.7 37
200CLLa-11A 280 27 1450 4 26 30
200CLLa-8 300 50 1450 3.5 53 75
200CLLa-8A 280 46 1450 3.5 46 55
200CLLa-6 300 70 1450 3 74 90
200CLLa-6A 280 65 1450 3 64.5 75
200CLLa-18 400 20 1450 4.5 27.3 30 669
200CLLa-18A 360 18 1450 4.5 22.3 30 669
200CLLa-13 400 32 1450 4 43 55
200CLLa-13A 360 28 1450 4 34 45
200CLLa-9 400 50 1450 4 69 90
200CLLa-9A 360 46 1450 4 58 75
250CLLa-21 500 20 1450 4 33.5 37
250CLLa-21A 460 17 1450 4 26.6 37
250CLLa-15 500 32 1450 4 55 75
250CLLa-15A 460 28 1450 4 44.5 55
250CLLa-16 600 20 1450 4.5 40.5 55
250CLLa-16A 560 17 1450 4.5 32.5 37
300CLLa-11 600 30 1450 4.5 61.5 75
300CLLa-11A 560 25 1450 4.5 49 55
300CLLa-12 700 32 1450 4.5 74.5 90
300CLLa-12A 680 29 1450 4.5 67 75
350CLLa-19 850 20 1450 4.5 58.5 75
350CLLa-19A 620 20.5 1450 4.5 44.3 55
350CLLa-22 850 15 980 5.5 42.3 55


Type voltage 440V Frequency 60Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
50CLLa1-6 15 28.8 3480 3.9 2.1 3
50CLLa1-6A 12 24.5 3480 3.9 1.43 3
50CLLa1-4 15 46 3480 3.9 3.5 5.5
50CLLa1-4A 12 40 3480 3.9 2.5 4
50CLLa1-3 15 72 3480 3.9 6.3 7.5
50CLLa1-3A 12 64.8 3480 3.9 4.7 5.5
65CLLa1-5 30 28.8 1740 3.9 3.5 5.5
65CLLa1-5A 27.6 24.5 1740 3.9 2.76 4
65CLLa1-6 30 46 3480 3.9 5.9 7.5
65CLLa1-6A 27.6 40 3480 3.9 4.7 5.5
65CLLa1-4 30 72 3480 3.9 10.6 15
65CLLa1-4A 27.6 64.8 3480 3.9 9.0 11
65CLLa1-3 30 115 3480 5.6 18.8 22
65CLLa1-3A 25 100 3480 5.6 13.8 18.5
80CLLa1-9 60 46 3480 4.2 10.8 15
80CLLa1-9A 55.2 40 3480 4.2 9.0 11
80CLLa1-6 60 72 3480 4.2 17.1 22
80CLLa1-6A 54 60.5 3480 4.5 13 18.5
80CLLa1-4 60 115 3480 5.9 32.5 37
80CLLa1-4A 54 100 3480 5.9 25.6 30
100CLLa1-12 120 46 3480 5.6 20 30
100CLLa1-12A 108 40 3480 5.6 16 22
100CLLa1-9 120 72 3480 5.6 33.6 37
100CLLa1-9A 108 64.8 3480 5.6 28 37
100CLLa1-9B 100 50 3480 5.6 18.5 22
100CLLa1-6 120 115.2 3480 5.6 53.8 75
100CLLa1-6A 108 108 3480 5.6 46.7 55
100CLLa1-6 60 28.8 1740 3.9 6.7 11
100CLLa1-6A 54 24.5 1740 3.9 5.4 7.5
125CLLa1-8.5 120 28.8 1740 4.5 12.6 15


Type voltage 440V Frequency 60Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
125CLLa1-8.5A 108 23 1740 4.5 9.2 11
125CLLa1-17A 192 46 3480 8 31 37
125CLLa1-17A 180 40 3480 8 25.9 30
125CLLa1-8 192 115.2 3480 7.7 79.5 90
125CLLa1-8A 180 100.8 3480 7.7 65.7 75
125CLLa1-8B 168 86 3480 7.7 53.6 75
125CLLa1-13 240 72 3480 8.4 59 75
125CLLa1-13A 216 64.8 3480 8.4 48.5 55
125CLLa1-13B 180 59 3480 8.4 38 45
150CLLa1-12 192 28.8 1740 3.9 18.8 22
150CLLa1-12A 180 24.5 1740 3.9 15.2 18.5
150CLLa1-6 192 72 1740 8.4 53 75
150CLLa1-6A 180 64.8 1740 8.4 44.8 55
150CLLa1-13 240 28.8 1740 4.2 23 30
150CLLa1-13A 228 24.5 1740 4.2 19.5 22
150CLLa1-9 240 46 1740 4.9 39.7 45
150CLLa1-9A 228 40 1740 4.9 33 37
200CLLa1-16 360 28.8 1740 5.6 35.4 45
200CLLa1-16A 336 25.8 1740 5.6 30 37
200CLLa1-11 360 43.2 1740 5.9 53 75
200CLLa1-11A 336 38.8 1740 5.9 44.9 55
200CLLa1-8 360 72 1740 4.9 92 110
200CLLa1-8A 336 66 1740 4.9 79.5 90
200CLLa1-6 360 100 1740 4.2 128 150
200CLLa1-6A 336 93 1740 4.2 112 132
200CLLa1-18 480 28.8 1740 6.3 47.2 55
200CLLa1-18A 432 25.8 1740 6.3 38.5 45
200CLLa1-13 480 46 1740 5.6 74.2 90
200CLLa1-13A 432 40 1740 5.6 58 75
200CLLa1-9 480 72 1740 5.6 119 132


Type voltage 440V Frequency 60Hz
Main technical Performance parameters
Capacity m3/h Head m Speed r/min NPSHr m Shaft power kW Matched power kW Pump weight  Kg
200CLLa1-9A 432 66 1740 5.6 100.2 110
250CLLa1-21 600 28.8 1740 5.6 58 75
250CLLa1-21A 552 25.8 1740 5.6 46 55
250CLLa1-15 600 46 1740 5.6 95 110
250CLLa1-15A 552 40 1740 5.6 77 90
250CLLa1-16 720 28.8 1740 6.3 70 90
250CLLa1-16A 672 25.8 1740 6.3 56.2 75
300CLLa1-11 720 43 1740 6.3 106.3 132
300CLLa1-11A 672 36 1740 6.3 84.7 110
300CLLa1-12 840 46 1740 6.3 128.4 150
300CLLa1-12A 816 41.7 1740 6.3 115.8 132
350CLLa1-19 1020 28.8 1740 6.3 101.3 110
350CLLa1-19A 744 29.8 1740 6.3 76.6 90
350CLLa1-22 1020 21.6 1176 7.7 73.1 90

Structure of the pump and the instillation dimensions.

1.pumpbody 2.the nut of impeller 3.sealing ring 4.impeller 5.key 6.pump cover 7.mehanical seal 8.oil sealing 9.bearing 10.oil cup 11.shaft 12.bearing body 13.cyclone separator 14.gland 15.pump shaft coupling ddle 16.middle shaft coupling 17.guard shield 18.motor flange 19.motor

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